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After the recent scandals involving inside trading (sniping) and the promotion of the $LIBRA shitcoin, do you still believe in Javier Milei as a libertarian/anarcho-capitalist guy that will save Argentina and will make an example for the rest of the world?
Latest references:
Yes, they just want to ruin the cause32.4%
No, he is just a scam like the rest67.6%
34 votes \ poll ended
I dont think such questions are completely binary yes/no?
They are better asked "compared to who?" - to the previous president? Seems certainly like an improvement?
I agree. I never "believed in" Milei, but I liked the different path he was taking and some of the reforms he made. I strongly doubt that I would have liked anything his opposition was going to do.
The rapidity of this also does feel kind of staged. That's not any sort of expert analysis, obviously, but it is how it feels to me.
Good points, but a libertarian could argue: an improvement of the prison? Yes, he is providing us a prettier prison, but a prison in the end.
This is the problem with libertarians. Let perfect be the enemy of improvement
Also, Libertarianism is all over the place. Some don't vote and are anarchists. Others are basically republicans that want moral libertinism. It's not a monolithic group. Far more diverse than most realize. And most people have no clue what libertarian beleive so the label is pretty useless. It's OK for those that get it but that's a small number.
Yes it is. Libertarians are afraid of winning. And I don't mean elections. I mean ideas. It would take generations to move the mindset of the masses. When I see what happened in both Argentina and the USA I see a shift in the mindset. Oppounitity is all around us. The elections are like the flag in the wind. It shows direction. It's a sign.
We will not jump to the absolute. No political figure will fix it. They will try to appeal to people. I don't trust or believe in any political figure but I can appreciate positive directional shifts.
You just described why I'm not a libertarian.
god forbid libertarians are culturally relevant, better to recite Ayn Rand verbatim so we sound dated
I would argue that the conservative movement wasn't culturally relevant until Trump basically destroyed it. He's not a conservative. He's transactional. He wants to win. He takes ideas from all over the place. Often no rhyme or reason.
The people that voted conservative (R&D) wanted someone that would do what they want. Trump is a populists. The average person doesn't think deeply about politics and ethics. This time around Trump had tons of libertarians around him. They aren't a part of the libertarian party but the Paypal Mafia are not republicans. They want a corporate privatization of many of the government functions. This is a very libertarian idea. At least for many in the movement. There are plenty that oppose and hate this. Like I said, its diverse.
So I think Trump fans should be thanking the heroes of libertarian ideas because I believe they are at the core of what is going on now.
Prime example of not understanding libertarianism. Rand hated libertarians. She was not one. She has influenced many on the right including libertarians though but she also influenced many republicans as well.
In my opinion anyone happy about DOGE should thank Ron Paul and the liberty movement. Many people working with Trump are highly influenced by Paul and Rand as well as Rothbard and Mises. They are far from purists but the influence is obvious. Libertarians helped elect Trump. So they are making an impact. Don't base your opinion on online interactions like this one :) Not a monolith.
I demand perfection in politics which means no politics at all. I will not accept any less than that.
Im tha same. But I can recognize one is closer to right than another. That doesn't mean I suddenly worship the state or believe in some man.
The problem is he is fake. I don't think he has noble intentions at all. I don't think he wants to improve his country, but to improve the portfolio of his masters.
Never trust a politician, ever!
Another trite response
this meme represent him perfectly
This latest news seems to be right in line with who he has always claimed to be.
He wants free markets to decide which ledger is the best to use for global trade. No government mandates, and let competition reign supreme.
The more people get rug-pulled, the more they wake up to how much better Bitcoin is. It's possible Milei did this simply to prove that point. Learn about Bitcoin, or get wrecked by my insider trading and scams.
I think it is not about which ledger is best, but the fact the he did inside trading and scamming. Free market doesn't mean you have the right to scam.
38 sats \ 1 reply \ @fiatbad 20 Feb
Didn't Trump just do the same thing? Doesn't Coinbase do it every single day?
I agree they shouldn't do these things.... but I'm not sure I agree they don't have the right to?? Free market kinda does mean they have the right. People need to protect themselves instead of expecting their leaders to. It makes for a stronger country.
I wish there was more hate and outrage over Trump, Coinbase, and other scammers doing this shit. So many Bitcoiners still using Coinbase..... literally validating the scammers and just being cool with it. Same way they seem to be okay with continuing to use fiat money like it's "not that bad". No outrage where outrage is in order.
Yep, Trump did the same thing, and Coinbase does it everyday. That is why I call them scams too.
They don't have the right, because under natural law every part commited to a contract must know all the conditions and risks. In this case, the other party should have known in advance that he and his guys would do inside trading. Of course, if they would have known, no one would have bought their shitcoin, but that's the reason why they hide things.
I know it's hard to grasp the idea, but in an ideal society with everybody respecting natural law, it is fundamental that morality is above convenience. I don't mean that convenience is always bad, but it has to be second to morality. Natural law enforces this. And natural law is in our instincts, it is what we call morality, but we ignore it because of the big temptation of convenience.
He's better than I could have imagined, telling shitcoiners there's no crying in the casino from the floor or parliament is the most ancap thing I've ever heard of
Don't you think he said so to excuse his scam?
All I see is a psyop and a hilarious one at that
He's better than the last guy. Still a politician though.
Right. Don't you think that's a trap in itself, forcing people to always choose the less bad actor, but they are all bad in the end?
It’s not a trap
The question you ask is unrealistic
Yea it's pretty far from ideal, especially if you're just a normal person trying to live their lives.
dont trust any politican.
Best answer ever.
I voted but to be fair I never thought he was good news. I was quick on the uptake about him not being Bitcoin only.
Same happened to me.
Wowwww. How They doing It
I don’t believe in any politician. Milei proved to me that I should stick to this belief. He has indeed changed Argentina in a way that either they hold on to these changes and maintain them, or they will fail as an economy once again.
That said, he is still a politician, and as such, he doesn’t deserve my trust.
Trump should be impeached. He is far more directly involved in this blatant scamming than Milei.
If the video is true this is damning evidence of the corrupt shitcoin economy being enabled and profited from by Trump. Massive abuse of power by Trump. This is NOT good for Bitcoin.
You see? He is a fucking disgusting shitcoiner.
He seems credible and to believe in what he says. The fact that he is taking on the bankers cartel means he is sure to face obstruction, FUD and dirty tricks.
Both are true.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @guts 20 Feb
He is controlled opposition, better than the predecessor
Good point. Read the conversation above being better than the predecessor.
Yes, I do believe in...
The news is pure noise as always...
i never believed in him. according to the end of the video, his sister should get investigated.
deleted by author
we get the politicians we deserve more or less. Everyone is corrupt to some degree. Just that politicians are near the top of the hierarchy that humans organise themselves into in order to maximise their wealth and security and so politicians are much more highly exposed to people seeking favour- lobbyists in particular. There is no point is giving up on politicians and politics are many Libertarians seem to do as politics is an unavoidable factor in human societies. Much better to get involved and participate than stand on the sidelines complaining that all politicians are corrupt- they can only be corrupt to the extent that we the people allow them to be.