Congratulations to the people who promoted SN last week! The program continues next week Friday so don't miss out! It was really really hard to decide who got first, and I wanted to choose you all but, I have finite sats. I truly appreciate all of your collective efforts and am looking forward to what you all come up with next week
Without further ado:
Congratulations @Kenobi for winning the bounty. Not only is he very new to the site, he has made several amazing posts and is already promoting and getting people to join. apparently the bounty went through twice so you double win!
@IamSINGLE 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@0xBitcoin 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@zapsammy 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@User21000000 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@Undisciplined 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@denlillaapan 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@stack_harder 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@cryotosensei 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@suraz 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@BitcoinIsTheFuture 100 for posting and 500 for second place
@TNStacker 100 for posting and 500 for second place