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The state that has always sought and will seek to be seen as the good guy will steal the few freedoms we have left. It certainly appears powerful and strong to those who idolize it, believing that it is the one who protects them.
In 2023, he mused that he would be a dictator, but only on Day One of his presidency.
Classic democrat talking point which is BS. He was obviously joking. But in general I agree with this. Most Americans do not care about the Constitution. They want a strong man. Nothing new. Trump is not a small government libertarian. He is a strong man but far from the first or worst.
America has a long line of them including FDR, TDR, and Lincoln to name a few. What is going on right now is a change in elite control. Many far left promotions are being removed. The foreign policy is shifting from ideological to sheer national interest. IE what is good for the US not spreading the ideals of liberal democracy. Many are sick of the direct the US has been headed and Trump is shifting it but not away from central power of the state. On the edges there are some good changes but I don't expect civil liberty wins.
This article seems to be missing this perspective to me. Trump is no savior but he's also not a dictator. Most people are simply ignorant of US history and the strong men of the past.
I don't think the deep state is winning. It's being replaced by a new set of scumbags.
Man drains swamp Man refills swamp A new generation Of mud worms rejoice