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Been hopping between Nostr clients lately, but none have really stood out to me yet. What’s your favorite and why?
haven't you tried the best browser client yet?
60 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 25 Feb
100% my goto in the browser. I'm still using Damus on mobile.
Not yet! Thanks for the tip!
31 sats \ 5 replies \ @OT 25 Feb
I like Amethyst. I've tried Primal, Damus and Iris but I think Amethyst has more features and I've gotten used to it.
Since I have an iPhone, I’m stuck using Damus on my smartphone, but it’s still pretty good! I’d say Primal is the most 'universal' and more polished, but I have trouble with it not loading pages properly. Do you experience that too?
but why people still use nostr only on mobile ? The mobile is not a browsing device, it should be used exclusively for two things:
  • pay in a shop with BTC LN
  • answer your wife/mom desperate calls that your house is on fire.
That's it.
Without using my smartphone for these things, during weekdays I’d only have 2 hours in the evening to use Nostr and even SN.
so? what is wrong with that? better cleansing
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 25 Feb
No, I have an issue when I stay on "following" feed. It takes the feed back to a few days ago. If I stay on Global I get all the latest feed, but just from everywhere.
Also when I go back to search for something I often have trouble finding it.
Whatever it works that day... because NONE of them are working.
So it's not just my problem, seems like we're all in this together!
Some nostr clients are blocking certain relays, some don't. Some relays are trash. Some relays / clients are blocking IPs... and so on Is a complex issue, is not about just like that a client doesn't work well.
Oh, I see. Do you think this mess will get sorted out anytime soon?
nostr is just a baby, barely started to walk... we have a long journey ahead.
That'll be Primal for me, to be honest. Desktop and mobile. Very simple, smooth experience. Fully-fledged.