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The Lightning Torch: In 2019, a promotional test called the "Lightning Torch" was conducted on the Lightning Network. It started with 100,000 satoshis (0.001 BTC) and involved passing the payment through a series of trusted recipients, each adding 10,000 satoshis before sending it to the next person. This experiment demonstrated the network's capabilities by involving notable figures like Jack Dorsey and Charlie Lee, showcasing its potential for fast and low-cost transactions.
The Lightning Torch, also known as the LN Trust Chain, was a community-driven experiment launched on January 19, 2019, by a pseudonymous Twitter user called Hodlonaut. It aimed to raise awareness about Bitcoin's Lightning Network and test its capabilities. The experiment involved passing a payment of 100,000 satoshis (the smallest unit of Bitcoin) between participants, with each adding 10,000 satoshis before forwarding it to the next person. This process resembled a digital Olympic torch relay and gained significant traction on social media under the hashtag #LNTrustChain.
The torch traveled through at least 54 countries and involved over 600 participants, including notable figures like Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, and Bitcoin advocates Andreas Antonopoulos and Anthony Pompliano. Despite some challenges, such as theft attempts and technical limitations due to Lightning Network's scalability issues, the experiment highlighted the network's potential for fast and low-cost micropayments. Ultimately, the accumulated funds (approximately 0.41 BTC) were donated to Bitcoin Venezuela to support citizens during an economic crisis.
The Lightning Torch became a symbol of community collaboration and the promise of Bitcoin's second-layer solutions for global financial inclusion.
xcellent :D
The good ol days