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Howdy Cricket Lovers!
Welcome to the round 9 of "CricZap Cricket Pool — I Predict Cricket (Feb)" for the session 2024-25. For details about this extravaganza, kindly refer to the announcement post #742080.
Let's go....

Predict the Winners

Predict for Extra Runs

  • How many runs will England score against Afghanistan? (+ - 50 runs will be considered correct)
  • How many runs will Dolphins score against Lions? (+ - 50 runs will be considered correct)
That's it. These are all the predictions, you need to make for now. If you have any confusion, feel free to ask.
All sats zapped to this post go to the rewards pool.
Best of Luck.
The Final Round for Feb will also be posted very soon as we have only 28 days this month.

The Pool is still Open to Join

Those who didn't make it here till now can still join the pool. However, to be eligible for yearly reward which is more than 116k Sats now and increasing, you now have to buy in with 13k sats. If you don't want to join it for the yearly rewards, you can still join for the monthly rewards without a rebuy.
Click the 🔗 to predict the winner of ICC Champions Legue and win some Sats. https://beta.predyx.com/market/icc-champions-trophy-2025
Zimbabwe England Mumbai Lions 270 280 Reminder; @siggy47 and @TheMorningStar
Zimbabwe England UP Lions 315 310
Zimbabwe England Mumbai Lions 255 300
Zimbabwe A England Mumbai Indians Lions
Extra: Eng 295 Dol 275
Zimbabwe England UP Lions 310 300
Canada England Mumbai Indians Dolphins 280 240
Zimbabwe England Mumbai Lions 280 245
Zimbabwe England Mumbai Lions 275 240
Zimbabwe England Mumbai Lions
260 255
Zimbabwe England Mumbai Dolphins 280 200
Zimbabwe England Mumbai Indians Lions
301 250
Oooh, I'm way off on scoring. 😰
Don't rely on my scoring as I have been performing poorly lately.
Zimbabwe England Mumbai Dolphins 210 190