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That is a pretty damning statement. They must have someone that is semi-rational around to shake them awake.
They have people like John Stewart and Bill Maurer who have been critical of the movement for a while. There simply are not enough far left people to win national elections. That's why they lost IMO. If they wanna win they need to dial it back a lot. They over-extended. Don't worry. The republicans will screw up plenty over the next few years and that will help the democrats.
Yes, but just having comedians and late nite talk show hosts as your spokesmen won’t go over very well once the lists start pouring out. I think that the Hollyweird days of influence are probably numbered because of Diddy.
New leaders will arise. Been watching this stuff for too long. The system will create them.
Where are they hiding? Do you see any current candidates for leadership? Surely not Newsome.
Just because it doesn't work on you... doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Case and point with Newsom's podcast. The recall effort against him failed and even though his reign has been a disaster I don't see it hurting him in 4 years. People have short memories and just want a good looking, well spoken dude that tells them what they wanna hear. I have predicted for a few years now that he will run for president. Before 2024 I was thinking he would be president. Still possible but I'm less sure now.
History my friend. Virtually no one had heard of Obama just a few years before he ran and won... That's what I'm talking about.
Also, if the econ tanks (and I think it will) that could really hurt the republicans future prospects and damage a lot of ground they won.
But, do not under-estimate Newsom. And don't over-estimate the intelligence of voters. They are DUMB and easily manipulated by those skilled at doing so. Far to many republicans are running victory laps. Woke is dead. All that stuff. Its dumb and short sighted. The country is still full of government loving dummies. Don't forget how royally the democrats screwed up.
Nope. It's a cult. All dissenters were driven out.
This is their key problem. It is very cult like. Decent and even questions are not tolerated. Like any fanatical group with purity tests they will just keep cutting people off until its so factionalized they have no power. The old school guys get it. Over the past few years I have heard many democrats speak to this problem. They have been ignored.
You know, they remind me of the religious right from the 90s. Just a different set of beliefs. Same patterns. They do seem more militant though.
Could this pattern be a common element of the human condition? It seems this pattern has run its course over and over throughout history. Who is pushing it along?
Aye, they are progressive/lefty/collectivist/Marxist/socialist/communist/murderers, what more can you expect from them? Perhaps the breakaway Dems can reestablish another party.
Ok, then they have no path to a future in power again, do they? I am happy to think that but doubt it. There are too many hidden cells left.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 26 Feb
Wishful thinking
What, that they have no path to power left or there are too many hidden cells left?