The Elderflower tells us that
Here at Alphaville we pride ourselves on being crypto’s least conflicted news source, so when there’s a puke in fantasy money markets it’s natural you’d turn to us for answers.
Some explanations for why stupid fantasy money markets puked in recent days:
- "major market worries," whatever that means
- broader macro uncertainty
- delayed reaction to the Bybit hack
- Milei's rugpull
- "crypto's beshorted fallen angel," OK no idea.
Or maybe it’s the realisation that the pro-crypto Trump administration won’t just be baghodler of last resort.
More importantly, nobody knows why market prices move. Everybody, me most certainly included, want to know why when bitcoin pukes it does what it does. Everyone interested in any asset feel the same way about sudden movements. And the very unsatisfactory answer is that nobody knows.
These graphs by Mr. Elder are not exactly encouraging either. Bull market cut short? Have to see the simple truth (there never was a bull...)?
Alphaville being Alphaville I guess they had to run a story like this. Oh well.
non-paywalled here: