I don't know what the big deal is with Muun, it does its job and is super easy to use (I think the problem is that most of the other wallets have very bad UX).
I disagree, I've had people set up Muun, wanting to pay a LN invoice and suddenly muun had to wait for onchain confirmations? By the time it was confirmed, the Bitrefill invoice had expired.
Phoenix solution of keeping your funds in lightning and doing swaps to onchain if necessary is much more elegant imho.
That was an old version of muun, you should try it lately.
I did an article about it but we still don’t have better choice for the average Joe.
They are planning to implement a unified QR code for receiving money, if that is implemented, they will be just the best experience by far. (I think they are so far the best experience in bitcoin ).
Muun Sucks