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What I had forgotten about fasting is that it just feels efficient when you cut out a meal or two every day. So much less prep, so much less time eating, so much less time cleaning up.
I'm a 22/2 eater.
When I first started, I too was amazed at how much time I gained....honestly like 15% more productive in my life....when you consider the time you spend:
  • buying food for breakfast
  • preparing breakfast
  • cleaning up breakfast
  • digesting breakfast
  • buying food for lunch
  • preparing lunch
  • cleaning up lunch
  • digesting lunch
you really gain alot of time....even if you just assume that each of those things takes 10 mins each, thats like 80 mins of time
true that is sooo underappreciated.
That, moreso than the health/physical/mental benefits, might be what gets me back on a fasting routine.
Is your wife on a similar diet? I think fasting is more difficult for a woman