I haven't consciously or consistently practiced fasting in a long while. I was into it maybe 5-6 years ago, and the longest I did was about 27h.
One time, I remember going for a long run at hour ~23 or something—and it was the lightest, most wonderful run I ever had. (Novelty kick, one-off, or universally the case??)
Yesterday, being the complete fuck-up that afternoon/evening was (#899312), I skipped dinner (wasn't hungry; was angry and frustrated)—and then slept in for a very long time. I counted about 22hrs since last meal:
smoked salmon never tasted this nice!
There is something for the story that depriving yourself of certain things make those thing so incredible delicious once they're back.
I didn't feel anything specific—a little bit of a headache from sleeping late and, probably, from coffee abstinence/withdrawal. Drank a bunch of water first thing when I woke up, and then ate some ground beef+smoked salmon+green tea+plenty of salt (himalayan+sea salt).
What I had forgotten about fasting is that it just feels efficient when you cut out a meal or two every day. So much less prep, so much less time eating, so much less time cleaning up.
Eating a big meal or a steak once a day is pretty wonderful. Maybe I'll try to get back to that