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$1,600 but it produces 90 TH/s at 18.6 J/TH.
Someone in the lab has a 4 TH/s miner from them. They're pretty happy with it.
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200 sats \ 3 replies \ @siggy47 1 Mar
My Nano 3 came today:
Please tag me if you do a write up. I’d love to read it
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 2 Mar
Will do
I entered crypto this cycle end of 2022. So called bottom of bear market but I made many mistakes. Anyway now I focus mostly with bitcoin and hope I am still early. Best of luck to all the satoshi's here.
I think I'm going HeatBit next, but we'll see on the other side of summer.
Didn't you say that Avalon Nanos are for people with "bitch hands"?
Yes, I call it The Bitch Hands Miner because a Pleb Labian uses it to warm their bitch hands.
That's probably the one I need then.
37 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 1 Mar
It'll toast your lady fingers real good.
Is that their slogan? It's pretty good.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 1 Mar
Looks good! I wonder if $1600 are bull market prices.
I'm thinking to upgrade from my 0.5TH Nerdaxe.
I have the 4tb Nano3 Canaan miner- it was good value at USD$99 but they stopped selling the Nano3 and now they sell the 6tb Nano3S at USD$249 - not such good value imo though maybe more efficient. The Nano3 is very quiet on the lower 2.2tb setting- quite noisy on the highest setting. https://www.canaan.io/avalonhome
$1.6k for a machine that produces 90 TH/s seems like a pretty good price, at least compared to some of the miners I own