Well, why should we care?
If Elon or Jeff have a too much cocaine evening they could decide to yeet a gold asteroid into the Sahara and double the amount of gold on earth. That could never happen to Bitcoin. And because markets are future looking they don't even have to do it - they just have to tweet about it to destroy golds value.
How will we gauge bitcoin’s buying power after fiat ends? I think it’s proof-of-work predecessor makes sense long-term.
I wrote something up on this a while ago: #51272
tl;dr: in my opinion all "countervalue" methods (methods where you make equations about Bitcoins market cap equals x, with x being goods/services/stocks/bonds/m1/m2/m3/...) are flawed and we should base our estimates of Bitcoins buying power on number of humans alive instead.
если такое проделать с биткоином, цена только выростет... и на 2 держателя станет меньше)))