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Very cute! Love those ears. How old is she?
She is 18 months old. I have big ears too so it's kind of ironic lol
I have an 18 month old dog too. She's really matured over the past month or two. It's a good age.
Yes an age where they are still energetic, quick learners, and still far away from an age where we start thinking of the inevitable. They live fewer years than us. You know what I mean 🫤
Yes I do. I'm acknowledging my advancing age by no longer raising puppies in case I don't outlive them. My next one will be an even older adult rescue. I adopted my new girl at one year old.
Oh wow. I understand perfectly what you mean. Even though I'm still relatively young but after this dog that I have now will surely do same as you. More like adopting an older one just in case we go first. Totally agree with you. I'm already almost 42, time flies by