My political apathy began 30 years ago.
My maaaan, right there... "The Only Way To Win is Not To Play" + "If You Vote, You have No Right to Complain." What a way to open a piece!
Mostly, though, as I have said in this column before, politics has seemed irrelevant to my life. Certainly it was to the asset prices I spent much of my career analysing.
...admirable, but also impossible when everything is now one and the same trade (=the money/liquidity trade).
I also wonder where Mr. Kirk get the impression that the White House is littered with "crypto bros."
Below is probably not all of what the guy owns/manages (maybe just openly, on behalf of FT...?) but I do appreciate the Taleb-esque don't tell me what you think, show me what's in your portfolio:
Treasuries, British stock index and overweight Asia?
Nah, man; not right.
(the crypto bros be like, "where's the BTC, loser?")
also: "Skin in the Game" is a fantastic name for a column (don't think I read this guy before.)