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No it doesn't. It more often then not makes them hide their behavior and creates eating disorders. What you're talking about isn't effective.
All you're doing is being an absolute piece of shit if you're bullying someone. There's no justifying your dog shit behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @userbob6 4h
No I'm absolutely sure that the pieces of shit are the ones going around making it OK to be fat. Obesity has been properly handled by bullying since the dawn of time. They are either inspired to change, or they go into hiding and kill themselves. The latter would be natural selection playing out naturally. We had a lot fewer obese back when this was how things were handled. Now we got a bunch of sissified therapists running around with words like 'fatphobia' and 'fatshaming'. It's a dog-eat-dog world and teaching people that it's not is what a piece of shit does. Nature makes the fat dog slow, and thus, fat dog gets picked on until faster or dead.
You're a piece of shit. Karma will get you.