pull down to refresh

Hosted channels were first thought up by Andre Neves, Fiatjaf (before he made nostr) and the ZBD team
Not true. Hosted channels were created by Anton Kumaigorodski with SBW and later forked into NBD suite tools by Fitajaf with OBW, actually abandoned project.
There's anyways another fork of SBW, Valet (by StandardSats) that they want to bring back the hosted channels too.
Indeed, I like the hosted channels as a simple way to onboard total noobs (starting from zero sats). Is a very simple, very cheap solution that doesn't require to involve any other mumbo jumbo complex swaps and transition accounts.
From a hosted channel is possible also to move all funds directly into a new self-custody LN channel, on the same app.
10 sats \ 4 replies \ @OT OP 14h
I used to use OBW which had hosted channels. Too bad it's been abandoned.
Fun fact: You can actually setup a hosted channel between two LND nodes in a convoluted way:
  1. Create a zero-conf channel with --sat_per_vbyte 1, so it does not immediately confirm
  2. Replace the opening transaction
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT OP 12h
What would happen if someone were using it for zapping on nostr like 21 sat TX back and forth? Wouldn't that build up a large onchain fee for when the opening TX finally confirms?
No, zapping over the Lightning network does not create an onchain transaction. And also the channel opening transaction will never confirm if you replace it, as I mentioned in step 2.
You can use endlessly those zero-conf channels, never closing them. https://docs.lightning.engineering/lightning-network-tools/pool/zero-confirmation-channels So you will never have an onchain "footprint".