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This is a recurring post inspired by discussions had by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to release a new Golden Oldies every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
@mallardshead gave us a critique of the bitcoin mining industry around a year and a half ago, and not much has changed. The post and the great discussion taught me a lot about this subject. Check it out if you’re interested.
@jasonb and I were talking about this post of his yesterday. I remembered it and read it again. If you’re not familiar with @jasonb from his many home mining projects, you should be. He is a professional touring musician and a committed bitcoiner. His interest and knowledge of bitcoin mining, particularly in Africa, may lead to a career change soon.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Here’s a link to last week’s post:
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Didn't catch @mallardshead's post, but I can already tell it's one of the best I've seen in weeks. Loads of good stuff, totally informative. Thanks!
To critique the Bitcoin mining industry it is possible in 2 cases:
  1. Who critique does not know about how Bitcoin mining works (green energy, reutilisable energy, to utilise the excess of energy to not be wasted -by mining on specifique intervals -, etc) or was misinformed (intentionally) by the autorities/institutions who want that thing.
  2. Who critique wants to misinform intentionally the category of peoples mentionned in the 1st point :)