pull down to refresh

Funding channels on a lightning node can be a pain, especially for those unfamiliar with Bitcoin. First, I need to send funds to my node on-chain. Then I need to make another transaction to open channels. Instead, we can use the BIP 78 PayJoin P2EP protocol to fund and open channels in a single transaction.
A brand new node can become totally connected in a single transaction that opens channels to outbound peers, and could immediately swap for inbound capacity. Just by scanning a single QR code.
Here is an illustration of how the BIP 78 protocol pairs with the BOLT 2 Channel establishment protocol:
 ┌──────────────┐                ┌─────────────────┐                  ┌──────┐
 │Lightning Peer│                │My Lightning Node│                  │Sender│
 └──────┬───────┘                └───────┬─────────┘                  └───┬──┘
        │                                │                                │
        │            BOLT 2              ├─────── Bip21 with ?pj= ───────►│
        │     Channel Establishment      │                                │
        │                                │◄────── Original PSBT ──────────┤
        │                                │                                │
        │                                │                                │
        │◄──────── open_channel ─────────┤                                │
        │                                │                                │
        ├──────── accept_channel ───────►│                                │
        │                                │             BIP 78             │
        │                                │                                │
        │◄─────── funding_created ───────┤                                │
        │                                │                                │
        ├──────── funding_signed ───────►│                                │
        │                                │                                │
        │                                │        PayJoin Proposal        │
        │                                ├──────       PSBT       ───────►│
        │                                │                                │
        │                                │                                │
        │                                │    ┌─ PayJoin + Funding ───────┤
        │                                │    │     Transaction           │
        │                                │    │                           │
       x│xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx│xxx ▼ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx│x
       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BITCOIN NETWORK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        │                                │                                │
        │◄────────channel_ready ─────────┤                                │
        │                                │                                │
        ├──────── channel_ready─────────►│                                │
        │                                │                                │
line numbers aren't right aligned k00b?