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So it's fair to say that my wife and I enjoy feeding and watching birds. She knows what she's doing, and I'm more or less along for the ride. Here are some of our houses and feeders:
Our newest acquisition, with a WiFi cam:
Our two screech owl nesting boxes : (The first one is really a woodpecker house, but the screech owls like it)
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 6 Mar
Nice. We have a few bird houses affixed to the trees around our place and my wife likes to put bird seed on the railing of our deck. We have a couple of cardinals that love to fly by stop for a snack and head back into the trees. Besides the cardinals my favourite bird that comes to visit are the black cap chickadees. Those things are cute.
The chickadees are beautiful and brave. You can walk right up to them. We get cardinals, Jays, grackles, starlings, mourning doves, titmouse, wrens, all kinds of finches and woodpeckers. A few times a year we'll get orioles and red winged blackbirds.
Then there are the warm weather hummingbirds! A whole other project I'll post about in a few months.
My dog doesn't seem to mind the birds at all but if a squirrel comes around look out. Haha
36 sats \ 2 replies \ @flat24 5 Mar
It's a fascinating activity... Thanks for sharing. A couple of days ago, sitting with my daughter in the park while eating ice cream, we had a very pleasant time watching birds. They were singing, they were moving, they could interact with each other and it was fantastic (at that moment I could only think of one thing)
I just need a camera to capture this magic and this is something I could easily do for the rest of my life.
It's wonderful. Like everything in nature, things can get ugly too. We have about 10 cats who hang around our property. They really enjoy killing birds. We also have birds of prey like red tailed hawks, peregrine falcons, and cooper's hawks.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 5 Mar
Without a doubt nature is something incredible 🤩
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @kurszusz 5 Mar
Here, in my city it exist 2 large parks full with bird feeders. I didn't count it, but I'm pretty sure is more than 500. Every school year contain 2 "special weeks", a "green week", and a "school elsewhere week". 3 years ago, in the green week the majority students from city made it and placed bird feeders in parks (the project it was supported financial by the mayor's office of the city). It's really nice, and a ray of hope that we (humans) can do good things together...
Yes. We bought a few feeders for my mother when she was elderly. She spent a good part of her last years watching birds. It's very peaceful.
Lovely feeders and houses. Watching the birds that visit our yard is one of our simplest and greatest joys 😌
Very impressive work there. And in the evening no need for Netflix, both sit back and watch them birds up close😍
36 sats \ 2 replies \ @orto 7 Mar
Cool! Here is a link for 3d printable ones: https://thangs.com/search/Bird%20house?scope=thangs&view=list
That's very cool. I'm getting into bird houses with cams. We just got a hummingbird cam feeder yesterday, but I guess it would be even better to design a 3-D printed version that could be tailored to what we want.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @orto 7 Mar
It's better to use wood infused filaments.