If every Bitcoin holder in the US (approximately 67 million residents) alone deployed the lowest hash rate-producing miner from the list, the network would gain about 80.4 exahashes per second (EH/s), which is a substantial boost to the global network, but this wouldn’t outright surpass the corporate giants.Let’s take this further. If every Bitcoin holder in industrialized countries, including Europe (31 million), Japan (3.7 million), South Korea (15.6 million) and Australia (approximately 5 million) joined in, the cumulative hashrate would reach an astonishing 146.76 EH/s, significantly boosting the existing global hashrate (see Figure 1).
By my own estimation it'd take ~700m plebs mining 1 TH/s each to rival corporate miners:
To simplify the math, let's say a pleb miner does 1 TH/s. The ATH of hashpower according to mempool is ~700 EH/s. There are 1,000,000 TH in an EH.So we'd need ~700,000,000 pleb miners for plebs to gain a majority of hashpower.While that's a heck of a lot of plebs (10% of everyone of earth), and it's not like industrial miners won't continue to increase hashing, that's fewer plebs than I thought. I was expecting to need more pleb miners than there are people on earth.