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A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit concluded that the Amish did not show violations of their constitutional rights.
In their appeal, the Amish argued that the law was motivated by discrimination, pointing to statements made by lawmakers.
Terrible. The courts absolutely suck at protecting anyone that is outside of the fence of acceptable beliefs. Worst than that most people don't care at all about the rights of people they don't like. These groups are precisely the groups that need protection from democracy.
Exactly. What's really upsetting is that the Amish have been established in the US for many years, and have always enjoyed constitutional protection if their religious beliefs. It is only NY, which is not surprising, but it's a disturbing trend.
I imagine this will go to a higher court, right? It seems like a pretty fundamental issue.
Next stop Supreme Court. 2nd circuit court of appeals is as high up as you get until you climb those fancy steps in DC.
Sure hope so.
Pisses me off. I used to live near an Amish community. Wonderful people. Things like this are what make me dispise the left. They claim to be able love and acceptance but it is a complete farce. If you are in the tent they protect you... as long as you are useful.
When I was a kid at least the left seemed to actually defend people's civil liberties. It always appealed to me. With this election I think that is officially dead. The only old left people I know were RFK Jr people.
I have plenty of beefs with the right but the left has really shown their true colors in recent years. They just want power like that right does. It's why I'm a perennial political fugitive.
All vaccine requirements was just a global misrepresentation, and all of the covid "circus" was just for "someones" to make big money (in different ways).
These things expose the hypocrisy of most people. They say they support minorities and the rights of individuals but when it comes down to it you just have to create a little fear and they are comfortable with top down tyrants. They justify it with such flimbsy logic.
I was surprised by some so called libertarians during covid that I know. They are all about choice and the market but suddenly became tyrants for the shots. And we know how that turned out. Shocker. The authoritarian system lied to us and it was about money.
Most people just care about their liberty. They dont care about Liberty as an ideal.
I completely agree with you!
Little ones have been completely oppressed since the beginning of time, we've gotten used to it by now...but in these few years during the "epidemic", the greed of some people (the leading political class) has really come to the surface, and the fact that no one and nothing matters except them (this was brought to the attention of the people in a direct way). According to a proverb: The fish stinks from the head and is cleaned from the tail. (I don't know how accurate the translation is.).