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I think about this question because I have a friend who is inviting me to the gym frequently, although I understand the importance of exercising I find it useless to have a membership in a place like this to be taking pictures in the mirror or to be looking at asses in tight clothes which is basically the main thing you see from the people 👥 who attend these places.
On the other hand, informing myself a little more about it, I have read and heard experiences about other people 👥 who exercise differently, either working with their own weight or with exercises on the bars. Achieving the same results as the average person who attends and pays for a gym membership, and I would say that in 100% of the cases they get better results because the one who avoids paying a gym membership and uses that money to stack SATS while exercising and being fit, I would say that it is obviously a better result.
Which I find totally illogical to pay for something that you can do just as well or better without paying. And taking into account that the main objective is simply to be active and with a healthy and trained body.
What do SN stackers think?
What could be the options of the different multiverses that coexist here in SN?
  • You pay for a gym membership (wasting money)
  • You train at home, parks, beaches and stack more SATS. (You don't pay membership)
wasting money42.9%
You don't pay membership57.1%
7 votes \ poll ended
Stack the sats and do the work from home
Personally, I am attending a GYM, although I try to exercise outdoors I still don't get used to it, I lack discipline.
And does paying a membership give you discipline?
The truth is that it doesn't.
You only assume an obligation to pay, and if you live in the third world (South America) every unnecessary extra payment is a hole in the bucket 🪣 here we don't have purchasing power at the level of the USA or Europe to allow waste, plus we have the worst Fiat currencies. We have always only stored value in Fiat currencies (broken bucket 🪣) and we have been faithful participants in the economy of spending and consumption.
A lifetime doing things wrong and now that we found Bitcoin, which is the only salvation for us mere mortals on foot.
We will continue to fall into unnecessary consumption and spending (useless memberships on things or services that you can get for free)
I go back and forth on this; some days/weeks just following workout routines from home, do pull-ups on natural places outside (trees, etc).
...and then change my mind and go to the gym 3-4 times in a week (realizing that the commitment of actually going and spending money committing me to do more and extra work.)
(realizing that the commitment of actually going and spending money committing me to do more and extra work.)
I consider that everything is a matter of making a mental configuration on the matter ... I do not think that binding to the payment of something should be a motivation to perform some action, and less in this case where we talk about exercising for the welfare of the body and our health.
I'm mostly for finding productive ways to increase my activity level, not that I necessarily do a great job of it: walking the dog, doing chores, DIY repairs and maintenance, landscaping.
Then, additional exercise can augment/complement/supplement that activity.
Correct I agree that then the exercise is a complement to lead an active life, additional from the rest of the tasks or activities that I can do during the week, both at home and at work