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In 2023, more than half of American households were childless: 29.4% were married households without children, and 29.0% were single households without kids. More than a quarter of households did include parents and children, including 17.9% married-parent households and 7.4% single-parent households. Source πŸ”—
Also read if you haven't.
Sad to see
Sadness is the culprit here!
Doesn't America need to bring back the bedroom joy it once had?
Porn has destroyed that
I have noticed a lot of parents are older then my wife and I at all our kids age levels which goes with the age people are feeling comfortable enough to have kids
I guess it's not different with Australia! I think that to bear more children women should marry at below 25, men can stretch a bit till 30.
I think we had our first at 25 or so
Think? Well you should know exactly 😜 I had my first just a few months ago I'm already 35 but my wife is quite younger than I. It's ok because I don't look more than 30 I guess.
I should know exactly and I was 25 haha 😝 well done on your first! Was it a boy or girl? If it’s a boy did you name him Scott or Steve after your two favourite cricketers?
It's a girl. πŸ€— I shared the news with Stackers #740649
This is an interesting fact when we are talking about one of the strongest economies in the world, including China, which has a similar problem to the one it is currently facing.
TBH, I think Elon is doing it right
That's a disaster, not only in the usa.