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I have noticed a lot of parents are older then my wife and I at all our kids age levels which goes with the age people are feeling comfortable enough to have kids
I guess it's not different with Australia! I think that to bear more children women should marry at below 25, men can stretch a bit till 30.
I think we had our first at 25 or so
Think? Well you should know exactly 😜 I had my first just a few months ago I'm already 35 but my wife is quite younger than I. It's ok because I don't look more than 30 I guess.
I should know exactly and I was 25 haha 😝 well done on your first! Was it a boy or girl? If it’s a boy did you name him Scott or Steve after your two favourite cricketers?
It's a girl. πŸ€— I shared the news with Stackers #740649