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Howzzat Cricket Lovers!
The round 1 of Cricket Pool (March 25) has just finished and it's time we have a look at the results of matches/pool questions and pool standings.
(This post is published after every round of the pool to give you all a clear idea where you stand in the pool and form your strategy for the next rounds.)

The Results (Round 1, March)

Predict the winners
  • Winner: No Result
  • Winner: India
  • Winner: Abandoned with a toss
  • Winner: Newzealand
Predict for Extra Runs Q.1. How many runs will India score against Australia? (+ - 50 runs will be considered correct)
  • 267 (217-317 is correct)
Q.2. How many runs will South Africa score against Newzeland? (+ - 50 runs will be considered correct)
  • 312 (262-362 is correct)

Pool Standings (Round 1, March 2025)

Pool Standings (Total Score - March 2025)

Disappointed for two matches called off in the very first round. But it's what it is. The scores sound like 2, 3 and a 4 for now. The second round will be interesting because the big final is there!!

Pool Prize (Breakdown)

  • For Feb: 10250 Sats
  • For 2024-2025 Session (Annual Rewards: Distributed on Halloween 2025): 117600 Sats
Thanks for playing.
Not a bad start.