Suffering from pain right now.
My recent dental visit revealed a huge hole below one of my lower teeth. My regular dentist suggested that this could be due to a cyst and recommended that I extract this tooth asap so as not to affect the surrounding teeth. She also suggested dentures to replace the tooth.
Now, I’m approaching 50, but the thought of having dentures just makes me feel old, old and older. My pragmatic wife said, why not visit another dentist and get a second opinion. So, that’s what I did today.
The gum specialist suggested a crown lengthening surgery, in which tissue would be removed to reveal more of my lower teeth. (Yes, it turned out to be a major jaw reconstruction process because my other teeth are quite worn out.) Crowns would be placed above my natural teeth to protect them. I assumed that thorough cleaning would be done - and the fluid drained in the process. Anyway, I was committed to the option of crown lengthening because I sure as hell didn’t want my tooth to be extracted.
Which explains why I’m in pain now in spite of the anesthesia. I was given painkillers and antibiotics for a week. God help me.
Tell me your stories of pain so that I can tell myself to man up. Thank you.