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Meditations on AI "in the format of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: an assortment of thoughts in loose sequence." For example, "natural intelligences have to suffer the consequences of ignorance; artificial intelligences can make the same mistakes as often as they like." As a result, AI companies shut their eyes to the vulnerabilities of their models in real-life environments
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So now we know you are using an iOS device to receive this newsletter and share it from that mobile on SN... So easy are people revealing their habits online... so wonderful for data grabbers !
So now we know you are using an iOS device to receive this newsletter and share it from that mobile on SN... So easy are people revealing their habits online... so wonderful for data grabbers !
Ah i found this read on substack app and got the link from there, just pasted it here. Should i have done something different? Any suggestions that could help me not reveal my habits online?
  • Any link that start with "open.substack..." is a tracking link not the original post. That shows that you don't even read it, you just copy paste the link from the email you received
  • any link that contain "?" is a tracking link with specific items / shares
  • any link that contain "&medium" is even worse, it shows what you used
The tracking links are really damaging not only your online presence but also the others that are (bait) clicking on your links and now using a proper browser that is removing these tracking items, revealing also their browser fingerprinting and other stuff about their online presence. Is like a damn virus spreading bullshit from these click bait links.
We are watched online because people are damn stupid and are not educated how to avoid this crap.
Noted sir! Will be careful from next time. Thanks for taking your time to explain this.