I'm not a Republican or Democrat. But as a young man I was a Republican. I remember the criticism from the right when Democrats would try to enter talks with hostile regimes. I remember the right wing being so pro war that it turned me away from the movement.
Today we have the opposite. Not just in the US but in Europe. So called liberal regimes that seem hell bent on World War 3. Its wild to listen to left wingers criticize a president for peace talks. Its wild for the right to be pushing to end conflict and find resolution that isn't just "bomb them".
I fully expect to be called names for posting this. Its the kind of thing that used to happen to the left wing antiwar crowd. To be clear. The Republicans aren't doves. Many still push for war in the middle east. Many seek to make China the enemy.
So why is this happening? I really think democracies need war to sustain themselves. Its one of many reasons I'm not a fan of democracy as a social system. Wars unite people against a common enemy. Wars give people a "moral" cause. They give people something to use to create heroes and legends.
Like most issues, in a bi-polar democracy like the US if one side takes side A, the other must take side B. Its become clear that when one party seeks to make peace the other pushes for war. I hope peace wins. Stop making excuses for the US and the west. Yeah, Putin is an evil dictator that invaded Ukraine but if you think that's the whole story I can't help you. But this war needs to end. The leaders of the world do not care about the Ukrainian people. Don't kid yourself. Its all about power and money like all wars. Those dying are dying for the elites. Its disgusting and sad.