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So talking and saying we want to end the war is "peace at all costs"? Come on? Peace at all costs is a straw man.
There are two positions I actually respect.
  1. Putin needs to be stopped so Europe sends in actual troops to defend Ukraine. (I think this is terrible but I understand it and it is logically consistent.)
  2. Seek to end the war at the negotiation table with Putin.
This "funding" the war stuff is just prolonging a war that should have lasted weeks. The Americans and the Europeans will not support sending their own children to fight for Ukraine. The Fiat Money printers are as far as they will go. That simply isn't far enough. So end it.
The thing to remember here is that Putin invaded under a weak regime. An obviously weak man and admin that botched the Afgan withdrawal. This is one of the few things I think Trump is right about.
This "funding" the war stuff is just prolonging a war that should have lasted weeks.
Should have lasted weeks with what result? With "Russia takes Ukraine with little cost" result?
Think about game theory here. If 'do war' action is a profitable strategy, any rational player WILL play the 'do war' action again and again. Eventually it will be played against you or you ally.
How do you solve (obtain pareto-optimal solution) prisoner dilemma game? By modifying reward matrix and converting it into trivial game in which cooperation is always better than defecting. You do that by making defecting action more costly.
So the US should just fund this war forever? What would you do?
1 . About the 'forever' part:
What makes you think this war would last forever? Russia is weak compared to US.
2 . About the 'should' part:
Deal so far was "USA is global policeman and protects NATO countries; NATO countries pay the policeman by buying and holding US bonds/US dollars in their treasuries".
USA was not doing policing by the kindness of their heart lol. It was a transaction.
And if you are paid for a service you should fulfill your part. Unless US wants to stop that deal - which is fair but in that case US should not 'suggest' NATO countries to use&hold dollars anymore.
My intuition is that being a global policeman and collecting a tribute from half the word for that service is a pretty good place to be. So its probably in US best interest to maintain that position.