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So, I've never bought liquidity on Lightning before. Never needed to. Whenever I needed inbound liquidity, I'd just buy some Amazon gift cards from Bitrefill. But I'm reluctant to do that right now when the BTC-USD exchange rate is so poor, and find myself in need of inbound. Does anyone have recommendations for good, reliable, and cheap liquidity providers for Lightning?
Just few days ago I made this table #890432
I also recommend to move your outbound liquidity (if you have too much and not used) into temporary LN wallets (can be custodial or self-custodial).
You are literally playing around with liquidity, moving it where is needed. If you fill up all your channels, then is time for you to swap out in onchain. For personal use /shopping you don't need too much liquidity in your LN wallets. You just have to refill them when are emptied.
Thanks! Any thoughts regarding reliability? Even if it's only by reputation...?
All those are reliable peers and reputable LiSP, but not all have the same routing policies. Also routing fees could change from one day to another, so do not expect to be fixed forever.
But for example I would use ACINQ only in Phoenix wallet / phoenixd node, not with other nodes.
I'd just buy some Amazon gift cards from Bitrefill.
I suggest to NOT buy an inbound channel from Thor/Bitrefill thinking that in this way you will pay less routing fees when you use that channel to buy from the same Bitrefill. They are using intermediary decoy nodes for shopping on their page so your payment will NOT go through that newly bought direct channel. But that channel can be used to pay / receive to whatever other destination.
Maybe I'm padentic, as a merchant, I'm interested how much fees the LSP will take on each transaction.
I.e. I want my customers to pay the least amount of fees when buying from me.
to pay the least amount of fees when buying from me
for that is simple: they will open a direct channel to your node and will be 0 fees.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @sime 11 Mar
That's the norm for LSPs?
You asked about how to have less fees for your shop customers. You are just prividing an open tab for them. LSP is something else. LiSP - liquidity service provider LnSP - lightning service provider
Ah, this is more targeted to @DarthCoin post #890432