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tru uninstalling / reinstalling DATUM ?
Quick question, now that you have been deemed Datum Expert in these parts. It appears I have Datum up and running, using the same on chain and Bolt12 address for my Ocean log in as prior to installing Datum. Will Ocean in anyway acknowledge that Datum is installed on my mining node, or will the fees just be lower?
They won't acknowledge anything, but ya they will somehow know you are submitting work via a DATUM server and fees on rewards will be lower for that submitted work.
And making changes to your template solely involves changing the mining settings in knots?
This was a big question for me too. …if I can ever get it to stop loading
That video link @itsMoro posted cleared it up for me. I had to restart and rebuild a few times but it finally worked. When it was spinning I assume you stopped it and restarted a few times?
Once a dayish over the past few days… I should have more time to pick at it in a dedicated way on Monday.
Glad to hear you got it working!