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I'm gonna try SN-pilling my friend next week when we have a glass of wine f2f, because this was said yesterday:
"I get so tired of thinking about all the doom & gloom end-of-the-world news"
SN has definitely offered an escape from that for me. I'll report back if this is a good trigger.
seriously? i feel like SN is pretty doomer-adjacent
i mean, it's better than Reddit where everyone is a NPC... but still, there's a heavy dose of cynicism and doomerism here on SN.
Yessir! There's tons of positive stuff here. Top5 are all positive this week: #914145
Lots of cynicism but that's everywhere. I read tons of good stuff here. Better than gmstr any given day
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 16 Mar
@remindme in 1 week
edit: I think our remindme bot broke, I get immediate reminders.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 16 Mar
It's just the week notation. Therefore this should work:
@remindme in 7 days
edit: It did
let s us know how it went