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I am spending less than the 49ers in free agency out here. I better step it up next week.
Top stacker though.
That has a lot to do with the revenue from the territory. I have to give 40% of that to @Undisciplined
Imagine having territory revenue 🤣
You have revenue. You just don't have net returns.
Your territory is doing well. I love it.
I know you are mostly keeping it afloat right now but keep at it.
I may tweak the posting fee slightly next month, maybe drop it slightly and see what happens.
I think 100 sats for your territory is good. With sports people like to post a lot of random news, rants etc that don't necessarily get a lot of zaps back so I like the fee being low enough to be worthwhile that if someone wants to yell into the void about their team sucking they can. I would still have the posting fee at 50 if some stackers didn't cajole me into setting it at 69.
I can't believe neither of us made top spenders. It's probably been a long time since that happened.
Slacking. Or spending too many sats on predyx. No sats left to zap. Haha.
This hits close... ugh, too much betting!
Have you been spending too many sats on predyx as well?