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80 sats \ 6 replies \ @kurszusz 16 Mar \ on: Cat Breed Of The Day - Persian Animal_World
One of the oldest and most well-known cat breeds, originating from Iran...
If I ever have a cat, the Persian will definitely be a factor in my selection
Do you have a dog or other pet?
Right now we are livind in an apartament, so we don't have any pets.
On the middle term we plan to move in a house (once our $$$ will be enough to buy), and of course we will have pets...firstly a dog :)
My parents (where I grew up) still have dog, and they always have. Right now a Transylvanian Hound
Good luck with your plans. I have never heard of that breed. I have to search for it.
It is a middle tailled dog, very good in hunting.
And a very good educational / informative video:
Beautiful dog