I started doing box steps up+down while wearing weights because I saw this video.
So I guess I should document those as well. I don't count the number of steps I do in a session, because I listen to podcast while doing it. I just set a timer and do it for that length of time on some of the non-running days. I use an 18 inch high bench for my steps and alternate between left leg and right leg.
This week's stats:
Box steps up+down:
Monday - wearing 32 pounds weight - 20 minutes
Thursday - wearing 32 pounds weight - 25 minutes
Wednesday - 10km - 5:58/km pace - 79m elevation gain
Sunday Run #1 - 15km - 6:33/km pace - 117m elevation gain
Sunday Run #2 - 10.6km - 7:43/km pace - 26m elevation gain
Total weekly distance 35.6km, total weekly elevation gain
Alcohol consumption: None
How it felt this week:
The new resistance training for the legs is making them tired and sore. That is probably why my pace seem to be dropping / slowing down. But I think the resistance training is essential and I will get used to it sooner or later. Hopefully sooner than later though, because I'm starting to run out of time to train and I'm nowhere near running at the pace needed for a sub 4 hour finish. There's always next year, right?
My wife signed up for a 7mile (11.2km) race which took place this morning (Sunday morning). I drove her to the race and ran alongside her. But because of her race, I did not have time to do my usual Sunday long run. The compromise was to do my run before her race, come home and head to the race with her, then run the race with her. That is the reason for 2 runs on Sunday, which were ran about 1 hour apart. As well, it explains why Run #2 is quite a bit slower than my usual pace, because my wife do run at a slower pace.
Going on a short trip next Sunday, so it will probably be difficult to fit Sunday long run into the schedule. I'll have to figure something out and find time to do that long run sometime during the coming week. Race day is creeping closer and closer.
Weeks before race day: 7 weeks.