pull down to refresh

Video doesn’t load for me on Damus and Primal can’t even find the note.
This work?
The njump.me page contains the link to the .mp4 as https://cdn.onlynostr.club/f3f289b9840a994238f58217620bdee08cf53f8f9c5e8f98dea87ad4376601da.mp4 If you download that file you get a corrupt video file. Only the first 36 frames decode successfully.
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0 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 17 Mar
Still broken for me:
I threw it through an editor, work now?
deleted by author
38 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 17 Mar
Yes, thank you!
Edit: Oh, I think now it’s a iOS Safari bug where it thinks the video is an image and the video player is "playing" an image … will try to look at it using the m.stacker.news link or on my desktop later.
/cc @sox, does this also happen for you here?
Edit: https://m.stacker.news/82542 shows the same video on iOS Safari where nothing happens.
32 sats \ 8 replies \ @sox 17 Mar
This is indeed served as video/mp4 by all browsers, some skips to 1:22 timestamp others just plays it. If it was meant to be an image then I'm scratching my head a bit because it could be either related to imgproxy OR it's the 206 Partial Content (a consequence of caching) that tricks browsers into thinking it's a video.
but if it was meant to be a video I see it just fine
23 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 17 Mar
This is how it looks for me on Safari iOS 18.3:
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @sox 17 Mar
Yes that's how I see it on all browsers, the weird thing is that Safari seems the only one to actually respect the video duration, others skip to 1:22
Yes video and you're quite right there is a glitch at 1,22
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @sox 17 Mar
Oh I thought you screen recorded a still image, lol mb okay weird we don't process videos so can it be that the video got corrupted in some way?
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 17 Mar
If I skip the proxy and visit m.stacker.news (see link above), I am watching the same "video". So I assume it’s a Safari bug that we need to work around because it should have been served as video/mp4 but I didn’t verify yet (I’m still in bed).
This also happens if I open the link directly in Safari and not just in the PWA.
I'll send it native. Gimme 30