The page contains the link to the .mp4 as
If you download that file you get a corrupt video file.
Only the first 36 frames decode successfully.
Edit: Oh, I think now it’s a iOS Safari bug where it thinks the video is an image and the video player is "playing" an image … will try to look at it using the link or on my desktop later.
This is indeed served as video/mp4 by all browsers, some skips to 1:22 timestamp others just plays it. If it was meant to be an image then I'm scratching my head a bit because it could be either related to imgproxy OR it's the 206 Partial Content (a consequence of caching) that tricks browsers into thinking it's a video.
but if it was meant to be a video I see it just fine
If you download that file you get a corrupt video file. Only the first 36 frames decode successfully.