pull down to refresh

40 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 17 Mar
Who runs the service?
No idea koob, custodial obv don't leave too much etc lifpay etc
Shared by @DarthCoin 🙏
nice! Seems so easy
15 sats \ 17 replies \ @ek 17 Mar
Video doesn’t load for me on Damus and Primal can’t even find the note.
This work?
The njump.me page contains the link to the .mp4 as https://cdn.onlynostr.club/f3f289b9840a994238f58217620bdee08cf53f8f9c5e8f98dea87ad4376601da.mp4 If you download that file you get a corrupt video file. Only the first 36 frames decode successfully.
deleted by author
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 17 Mar
Still broken for me:
I threw it through an editor, work now?
deleted by author
38 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 17 Mar
Yes, thank you!
Edit: Oh, I think now it’s a iOS Safari bug where it thinks the video is an image and the video player is "playing" an image … will try to look at it using the m.stacker.news link or on my desktop later.
/cc @sox, does this also happen for you here?
Edit: https://m.stacker.news/82542 shows the same video on iOS Safari where nothing happens.
32 sats \ 8 replies \ @sox 17 Mar
This is indeed served as video/mp4 by all browsers, some skips to 1:22 timestamp others just plays it. If it was meant to be an image then I'm scratching my head a bit because it could be either related to imgproxy OR it's the 206 Partial Content (a consequence of caching) that tricks browsers into thinking it's a video.
but if it was meant to be a video I see it just fine
23 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 17 Mar
This is how it looks for me on Safari iOS 18.3:
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @sox 17 Mar
Yes that's how I see it on all browsers, the weird thing is that Safari seems the only one to actually respect the video duration, others skip to 1:22
Yes video and you're quite right there is a glitch at 1,22
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @sox 17 Mar
Oh I thought you screen recorded a still image, lol mb okay weird we don't process videos so can it be that the video got corrupted in some way?
I'll send it native. Gimme 30