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Holman Jenkins at WSJ has long been this really based, really badass dude. Appreciate his columns.
Scientists who, in 1978, quickly concluded the previous year’s global flu pandemic originated in a lab leak in China or Russia chose not to advertise their findings. Their overriding priority: protect diplomatic relations with Russia and China.
Pretty unbelievable. I think we'll look back at the Covid hysteria era akin to the great conspiracies of the past.(or even Germany's extermination camps).. and everyone will look incredulously at each other, laugh and shake their heads and think "huh, how could that have happened... odd: also, what's for lunch?"
It's going to be very frustrating dealing with people pretending that they weren't completely hysterical lunatics for two full years (maybe more).
COVID was the closest thing to a collective psychosis I witnessed in my lifetime.
Even worse than American patriotism after 9-11.
35 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 12h
Yep, I remember using this analogy at the time. The common thread is fear.
19 sats \ 3 replies \ @Satosora 12h
Now, tell me how many people were damaged by taking the new vaccine? That is a subject no one wants to talk about.
probs most, honestly. How can we ever find closure in that?!
I am was not damaged by the vaccine. All the damage you see in me is preexisting 😵‍💫
How will we ever get the companies to admit to their wrongdoings and falsifications?
This should surprise no one. Learning that you were deceived is something most people do not want to deal with. Most people do not lean into learning troubling facts. This is why so many children are abused and we never learn about it. Most people would rather have their head in the sand that realize just how evil people can be.
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @Aardvark 13h
I wish I could go to the future just to see the documentaries about this time line.