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I read your post by the way. #576140 It's interesting. But doesn't account for reality. Doesn't account for:
  • Nomads who can't convince everyone to accept bitcoin for every microtransaction of their day
  • People on long range trains, planes or buses. Imagine being in an airport for 18 hours. That employee doesn't care that you want to pay in bitcoin. They're a peon.
  • People in China (no explanation needed) or Indonesia (where it's illegal for vendors to accept bitcoin as payment) either the locals themselves, or expats/visitors.
  • People on road trips. You suddenly need gas and stop at a gas station. Oh let me ask if they accept bitcoin for gas. No? Okay, let's try again. And again. Oh damn, no one accepted. No me and my family with toddler in tow are broken down with no gas because I was resolute in only paying in bitcoin...
There's a reason I started my post saying:
  1. First try to pay in bitcoin
  2. If 1 fails, use cash
  3. If 1 & 2 fails, use a prepaid visa or gift card.
Why? Because options 1-3 don't require you to have a bank. And most people DO have a bank account. And this is something they should strive to eliminate.
It's a process. And unfortunately, you like to come to my posts and spout nonsense. I've literally had this conversation with you ad nauseum. And yet you persist.
Be the change if you want to see the world changed. Otherwise... just STFU and use fiat.
I have small children and fly across the globe to visit their abuella y tio/a. Sometimes we need to buy things and they don't accept bitcoin...
I'm not going to die on your hill.
I make guides in part to help me educate myself. Your venom is unwarranted.
If you're not learning, you're already dead.
Life is a choice... what you choose to do maybe is not aligned with Bitcoin ethos.
I will die for Bitcoin, but not going back to fiat. Someday you will remember my words and you will understand why am I so toxic.
If taking my toddler to visit family isn't part of the bitcoin ethos 🤷🏻‍♂️ You can't actually refute any of my points. You've simply isolated yourself. People > bitcoin
I've changed my whole life when I discovered Bitcoin. TOTALLY. Why you didn't do it? because you do not have enough balls. That is the real truth. Complacency. So is your own fault / choice for the life you live now. Do not blame children for your own decisions.
I took a drastic decision too for my girl. But later I paid with bitcoin her entire university cost... and Why I able to do that? Because i had balls in 2012...
That's where we're different then. Jesus is the most important thing for me. After that my family. Money/Bitcoin is just a tool. A way we communicate value with other humans. I mine Bitcoin. I value it, but it can't be spent everywhere... That's just life. Sometimes I need a plane, train or bus ticket. Or some gas... Or a bottle of water at a random convenience store in Tunis. Or an espresso in Morocco... I barely speak enough French to order, let alone convince this person I'll never meet again to accept bitcoin. I might not even have internet. Life is messy... Deal with it. And relax. Tranquilo amigo.