I have been feeling down last couple of days ... I mean 2022 was tough year to swallow (Luna,3AC,FTX etc...) which all affected btc... living in the moment is tough too!
After I went to the gym and released some negative energy, I sat down and reminded myself why am I all in on bitcoin (some fiat just for day-to-day operation) .... nothing has changed on the protocol level I'm in it for a brighter future, in it for equality and of course for personal gains... nothing has changed on the protocol level, functioning as it should be!
Its NOT about being tribal or anything like that .... I will ride this and continue to accumulate BTC even if it goes much much much lower ..... with Bitcoin, I sincerely believe the world is going to be in a much better place and I support this with my actions now and in the future!
Because I want to send and receive value permissionlessly.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @jp 10 Nov 2022
I've invested my time to earn an income and I don't want anyone telling me what I can and cannot do.
I also don't want people to devalue my hard-earned money (e.g socializing losses) due to negligence of industries leaders who otherwise privatize gains. MMT is the biggest ponzi scheme there is.
Yep, should've been:
Because I want to send, receive, and store value permissionlessly.
Because I want to be able to tell any bank to fuck off while avoiding become a financial hobo.
I am to headed to the bank shortly. Recently opened a new account with them, and when depositing a check was told there would be a 5 business day hold on the check. It was a larger check (but still under the $5k "large deposit" threshold) so I asked the rep that before accepting my deposit they assure me that after five business days I would have access to the funds.
After a week plus has passed I've inquired via phone, and now they tell me that because it is a new account, they can hold it for 30 days. Now I'm going to have to try and make a case with the branch manager.
Fuck me. No, fuck them. Well, fuck me for not getting that assurance in writing. But yes -- fuck banks!
That's why I bitcoin.
Thats really an impressive story
my friend transferred money into my bank account, I moved it into a CEX to buy BTC for him... a few days later the bank called asking about my friend's transaction
Bank: can you tell us about this transaction me: what about it ? Bank: we need details? me: why? bank: we need to know me: why? its all legal Bank: was it debt from someone or a friend me: yes both and please dont call me again for such matters .... Im ok with closing my bank account Bank: oh no ... sorry to bother you!
I read Creature From Jekyll Island and it opened my eyes to central banking and what can happen in periods without it. I think it’s a bit ott in parts but overall it left me feeling optimistic. Something I haven’t felt in a long long time.
Bitcoin is voting out of that messed up system. It’s a genuine alternative that is opt-in, voluntary and peaceful. It’s the people money and it promotes freedom and transparency.
I’m newish, I don’t like seeing number go down either but holding your own keys and having no counter-party risk is just wild. I can’t understand how all these ‘finance’ people miss that bit. It’s sad to read all the stories of people losing real sums of money but I’m sitting here knowing absolutey nothing has happened to my bitcoin and feel some deep satisfaction
It sounds really dumb but that’s my story. This too shall pass, I genuinely think bitcoin is going to win
Oh, also the people around it are some of the most genuine I’ve ever met.
I'm in it because Luna, 3AC, and FTX were allowed to fail. I'm happy we got to see them burn. I'm in it because in the FIAT system, they printed up new money for the banks when they were going to fail, and then those banks took that newly printed money, and priced us all out of the housing market.
The Importance of the Pain of Consequences #86764
powerful and on point!
102 sats \ 2 replies \ @8 10 Nov 2022
I’m in it because bitcoin is so big and so deep we won’t understand what it actually is for at least 100 years. We are ants trying to understand the mass of the earth. It is a quantum leap in human evolution and this ant feels very humbled to play his part in it. Plus 🚀
Yes when I stop and think about it sometimes I feel sad that won’t get to see its full impact. Being around near the beginning is amazing but I like to imagine where it might take us in 100- 150 years too and get a bit jealous
112 sats \ 0 replies \ @8 10 Nov 2022
Do what I did, have kids and send them down the rabbit hole. At least your DNA will see it.
Because it's the only market that matters.
Everything else is either already a derivative of bitcoin, or on its way to becoming a derivative of bitcoin.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @F 10 Nov 2022
Magic Internet Money
I'm in it because I want to see the separation of money and state. I think that has the capacity to revolutionize western civilization as much as separating the church from state did, if not more.
Bitcoin is my way of opting out of an unjust system.
Because I don't see a future for the dollar.
I met a really smart guy Harvard grad, who told me to buy a little bit and see what it did. He works in the Bitcoin world now, and I am forever grateful to him. I stayed for the revolution.
Because it's insane not to be.
Largely because I can't find good arguments for being in anything else...
Nobody is going to say it, so I will: Number Go Up.
Yes all the other things too, but if the number does not go up in the next 10-15 years I will be very disappointed about it. Bitcoin lets me dream of my future like people do when they talk about winning the lottery.
I want the revolution, but I'd like to be repaid for my conviction during times like these...So for me, it either goes to zero and I lose it all or NgU and realize these dreams.
love the genuine response .... its normal that we have self-interest in almost everything
"repaid for conviction" is very interesting too
I mean the reality is that anyone who denies this aspect is either already wealthy, or lying.
Again the other points about Bitcoin are valid and strong, but it was built around human incentives. NgU is not an accident, its programmed in. If it fails to go up over time, it will likely fail because the adoption incentive for the masses is gone.
I'm in Bitcoin to destroy central banks, and thus significantly undermine the power of governments and improve freedom around the world.
Getting personally rich along the way is a great side effect. But I'd still be 100% into Bitcoin if it didn't directly benefit me personally.
"Fun isn’t something one considers when balancing the universe, but this does put a smile on my face."
Separation of Money and State
My mission is to help the best artists I can find in the world fulfill their potential through art patronage, but this depends entirely on Bitcoin, and so everything going on in Bitcoin and helping the world understand Bitcoin better comes along with it.
Because i am really fed up with the financial industry
what is it exactly that your fed up with Pillar?
The fees, the markups, the restricted access to markets, the suits, EVERYTHING
Bitcoin is the solution to an ancient and corrupt system. The price is completely irrelevant, in the near future the price will be just a matter of offer and supply.
For the humanity to discover an energy based economic system it was just a matter of time. Is like discovering the fire or the wheel. It would happen no matter what, and then you can't undiscover it.
Censorship-resistance, privacy (or pseudo-privacy), transparency, portability, difficulty in confiscation, verifiability, minimum cost to send overseas, but more crucially: control over monetary policy. Nobody can screw it up with the supply. That leaves me with a peace of mind.
In it for my loved ones and my city it's bigger than me.
Because its the only way I can see to get ahead in this world. For years I saved cash but hit a limit. I could never save over a certain amount because I always needed the cash for emergencies. With Bitcoin, I can not only save for those emergencies, but I can also have some left over for something else too. Bitcoin does not just transfer value, it amplifies it over enough time.
I'm only recently getting into it, but I've always believed in stateless money and I highly value parallel institutions.
If bitcoin is going to be part of the solution to our badly distorted economy, I want to help it along.
I believe in the separation of state and money. Also bitcoin+LN has less friction compared to banks and Venmo like apps. Also you deny losers who sell your data.
I'm in Bitcoin cause, I got sick of PayPal
Lamborghini truck
i dont know
Seems like the best way to move forward
It's the best kind of money.
You can save in it, you can develop new apps/websites with it.
It's really exciting, specially now with lightning.
Fiat endgame is slavery to the state. Bitcoin endgame is freedom. I choose optimism and hope therefore bitcoin is the only logical choice.
Decentralized freedom