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Two interesting things about Dogue de Bordeaux:
  1. The breed owes its survival to the dedication of a teacher Unfortunately, along with many other dog breeds, the Dogue de Bordeaux was threatened with extinction as a result of World War II. Fortunately, this was prevented by a fateful encounter. In the second half of the 20th century, a teacher, Raymond Triquet, became acquainted with the breed through one of his students. The man immediately fell in love with the dog, his unique, “lion-like” appearance and powerful aura caught his attention. He decided not to let the Dogue de Bordeaux die out and visited the last two French breeders of the breed. He bought a female from one of them and mated this animal with a male from the other breeder. The result was a litter that included a male dog that could be considered perfect.
  2. Outstanding Actors The 1989 film Hound, Another Dog stars Scott Turner (played by Tom Hanks) and Hooch (played by Beasley, a Dogue de Bordeaux). The film is mostly a comedy with a bittersweet ending, which is why many people love it. A 2021 series of the same name was released, where the main dog is played by five Dogue de Bordeaux dogs: Arnie, Hammer, Obi, Cyd, and Mya.
So strong and heavy
French pooch. Bon chien.