General characteristics
The Transylvanian Hound is an ancient Hungarian hunting dog, which was developed by the special climatic, terrain and hunting conditions. Its entire appearance reflects nobility and harmony. It is medium-sized, and due to its use, its body is athletic, lean, muscular, free from exaggerations, and its movements are balanced and elegant.
The environmental conditions of the Carpathians have made the Hound a hardy, courageous dog. Its basic nature is calm, balanced, yet determined and temperamental. It is undemanding and adaptable. Its short coat does not require special care. It gets along wonderfully with children, and its playful nature makes it an ideal family pet without the need for pampering. It is very attached to its owner and will protect him. Due to its balance and docility, it can be kept both in an apartment and in a garden house. Based on its courage and loyalty, it becomes a good housekeeper.
The Transylvanian Hound is basically a driving dog, but it can also be used for tracking. It is used in a pack of three to five dogs on drives, but it also works alone. Thanks to its extremely good sense of smell, it keeps a cold trail well during its work, and when it comes across a fresh trail, it barks with a characteristic whine. While driving, it indicates where the game is going with a high, ringing voice that sounds far away, and it often works far away from its leader. Independent work encouraged the hound to make quick decisions independent of its owner, which honed its problem-solving skills. Thanks to this, it has acquired incredible intelligence and stubbornness over the centuries.
It should not be forgotten that the Transylvanian Hound is primarily a hunting dog, which has difficulty resisting its ancient instincts. It should only be walked without a leash with the utmost caution, as a jumping rabbit is enough and our dog will run after it headlong. Therefore, proper training of the Transylvanian Hound - especially teaching it to be called -, as well as plenty of walks and games, with which a careful owner satisfies its need for exercise, is very important.
History of the breed
Archaeological finds prove that hound-type dogs lived in the Carpathian Basin even during the Migration Period. The hounds that arrived with the conquering Hungarians mixed with their surviving specimens. This is how the Pannonian hound, the direct ancestor of the Transylvanian hound, was developed in the 11th-12th centuries. Hounds were also depicted in miniatures in the Pictorial Chronicle, and their first written mention dates back to 1237. The specimens that arrived in Transylvania developed into increasingly hardy and courageous dogs over the centuries due to the specific hunting conditions. The hound that developed in Transylvania was first depicted on reliefs decorating goblets in the 1600s.
It was bred in two versions. One was the long-legged hound, the other the short-legged hound. The long-legged Transylvanian Hound was originally used for forest hunting, hunting large game - in the past bison, then bear, wild boar, lynx -, while the short-legged Transylvanian Hound was used for hunting small game - fox, rabbit - in covered areas, and chamois on rocky terrain. Today, the FCI only recognizes the long-legged version, but the short-legged Transylvanian Hound is also bred by some breeders who want to have it recognized as the tenth Hungarian breed.
In the 19th century, the Transylvanian Hound was quite widespread both in Hungary and Transylvania. Unfortunately, due to the structural changes in the Carpathian Basin - the draining of swamps, the reduction of forested areas - hound hunting was confined to the Transylvanian mountainous areas, and the Hungarian hound population disappeared. After it became clear that Romania could not recognize it as its national breed, a Romanian decree was issued in 1947, classifying it as a breed harmful to the game population and prescribing its extermination together with the Hungarian Greyhound, thus almost condemning the breed to death. Between 1944 and 1969, not a single litter was reported - according to the FCI records, the breed was completely extinct. Fortunately, there were dedicated followers who did not let the Transylvanian Hound die. Purebred hounds were found on Máramarossziget, two of which were brought to Hungary and the breeding of the breed in Hungary could begin again. After the preparation of the Hungarian standard of the breed, the FCI officially and internationally recognized the Transylvanian hound, and declared it our ninth Hungarian dog breed in 1968.
Hunting with the Transylvanian Hound
The Transylvanian Hound was also a master of foot hunting in the past. Foot hunting with hounds is based on the principle that game usually flees from the dogs on its usual routes, up the mountainside, mostly in the direction of the saddle. Knowing the direction of the game's escape, the hunters would position themselves at the game's routes or stretch their nets, sometimes even making pits, and then, at the agreed signal, which was usually the sound of a horn, the hounds tied to the leash were released by the hunter waiting at the foot of the mountain. The hounds searched silently until they found the game's trail, or its mark. As soon as they reached its mark, they began to make a peculiar and characteristic bark. Their voice rang high if they found the trail of small game, while they signaled with a deeper, more hollow bark for large game. Those who knew the hounds knew from the barking what kind of game the dogs were chasing. The two, three, or four hounds released at the same time worked in incredible harmony. They searched slowly, step by step, they did not chase, they almost pushed, they drove the game towards the hunter, which thus did not run away from its usual pack. As they got close to the game, they began to press it towards the hunter, tiring it, and drawing its attention. At that time, the game and the hounds were already fighting in front of the hunter.
The dogs worked "under the gun". The big game that was about to break out, which the dogs had already surrounded, usually confronted the hounds. The hounds were incredibly skilled at jumping out of the way of the attacking big game and immediately attacking it again from every position until it was caught. This independent style of these dogs, which was practically not influenced by humans, can only be explained by the genetic values accumulated over thousands of years. This form of hunting required complete independence from the hounds, since the success of the hunt depended on them.
The main role of the hound is to keep an unerring track and quickly search the vast area. The first and most important thing is to find the game. In this, the hound is unrivaled, because while it works with the ground scent when driving, it works with the air scent when searching, at an extremely fast gallop. It sometimes rises to two feet to detect smells that spread high up. Once the game is located, it follows it at a slow gallop, using its scent on the ground. The hound must be a trail keeper and cannot switch to another game, even of the same species.
Even today, the hound can run 50-60 km on a single hunt. Thanks to its extraordinary ability to find its way, even if the fleeing game takes it far, it can return to the chase or to its starting point after it ends. According to our hunting laws in force in Hungary, the breed can be used for wild boar hunting and searching for wounded big game, and in Transylvania, the stronger, more aggressive individuals are also used for bear hunting.
Current status of the breed
The situation of Transylvanian hound breeding today cannot be said to be orderly, and in many respects not even encouraging. Our current hunting regulations do not allow the classic use of the Transylvanian hound, and as with hounds in general, it can be said of the Transylvanian hound that they are sometimes stubborn, sometimes self-willed, and headstrong compared to the needs of today's urban dog keeping. Their tenacity, endurance, and strength can be put to good use in sporting dog hunting and dog sports, and in today's hunting work, searching for wounded game can be an alternative.
The Transylvanian hound is still a working dog today, and in order to be included in breeding, it must prove the existence of the expected qualities at a breeding inspection and ability test. The breed care organization coordinates and supervises the proper breeding of the breed. The MEOE Transylvanian Hound Club, then the independent Hungarian Transylvanian Hound Club, has been operating as a breed care organization since the beginning of 2005. The Club aims to inform Transylvanian Hound owners about issues and rules affecting the breed, to unite and professionally assist Transylvanian Hound breeding, and to provide hound owners with the opportunity to test and utilize the working ability of their dogs. By organizing joint events, it brings hound owners, friends, and interested parties closer together. The Club also considers it a priority goal to promote the breed's awareness and popularity, through breed presentations, leaflets, and media appearances. To this end, it undertakes to organize a club exhibition, 2-3 breeding reviews, ability and working exams, working competitions, club weekends, and other professional programs annually, and informs interested parties about events affecting the breed on its website.
The Transylvanian Hound - along with the Hungarian Greyhound, the Wirehaired Vizsla and the Mudi - is one of the most endangered Hungarian dog breeds. The members of the club have limited opportunities to introduce and popularize the breed, although its wider distribution is very important for the survival of this rustic, noble dog breed. The long-term goals of the Club include making this unfairly forgotten breed part of the curriculum and introducing it to schools as part of education.
Modern, sporty keeping of the Transylvanian Hound (not for hunting purposes)
Keeping in mind the preservation of the versatile genetic values of the Transylvanian Hound, it can be an excellent companion for modern, sporty city dwellers and rural hikers. The characteristics listed in the introduction, its long-distance running nature, and its tireless work ethic make it suitable for an active owner to be a suitable leisure partner for both hiking and running. Regular, exhausting exercise of the Transylvanian Hound is also recommended, since a properly exercised hound is a calm, peaceful companion in everyday life. As a hunting dog, it is more suitable for shock-like, higher loads. It is not several shorter walks a day, but longer, more intense exercise at intervals that satisfy its needs. Accordingly, the Transylvanian Hound can also be recommended for those who do not wish to try their hound out hunting. At the same time, we emphasize that family pets purchased for hobby and sporting purposes also feel at home in closed wild boar farms - which provide controlled, safe conditions - where they work with pleasure in accordance with their ancient instincts.
Raising a Transylvanian Hound Puppy
The Transylvanian Hound is very intelligent and learns commands easily. It is important to train it continuously and teach it obedience from an early age.
Here are some tips for raising a Transylvanian Hound puppy:
1. Early socialization is essential for the Transylvanian Hound, preferably from the age of 10-12 weeks. It is worth introducing it to other dogs, people, and various environmental stimuli from a puppy's age so that it can become a confident and well-behaved adult. Regular walks, dog training, and plenty of playtime with its canine companions all contribute to its growing into a well-behaved and balanced four-legged friend.
2. Since it has a strong hunting instinct, it is necessary to pay attention to basic obedience commands from puppyhood to prevent unwanted behaviors, such as excessive guarding or aggression.
3. The Transylvanian Hound is intelligent, but it can also be stubborn, so it is important that you have experience with dogs and that training is always consistent and firm.
4. Always keep in mind that there are clear rules and a daily routine to follow! A defined daily schedule that includes feeding, walking, playing and resting gives the dog a sense of security and contributes to its balanced nature.
5. The hound loves to learn new things and explore new places. To avoid monotony, it is worth walking on different routes, trying new toys and teaching it new tricks from time to time. This not only serves the mental and physical well-being of the dog, but also strengthens the dog-owner relationship.
6. Transylvanian hounds are sensitive to the mood and feedback of their owner, so it is always important to use positive reinforcement! Reward your pet with healthy treats, praise and love for the desired behavior!
The Transylvanian Hound's exercise needs, play
The Transylvanian Hound has a high exercise need, which is not surprising, considering that it is one of the most famous and successful hunting dogs. It needs at least an hour of active exercise per day, which can be provided by longer walks, runs or games.
Hounds especially like spending time outdoors, where they can move and sniff around to their heart's content. Taking advantage of the Transylvanian Hound's intelligence, it is worth stimulating its mind with various tasks, games and challenges. Interactive games, puzzles and search and trace tasks are all excellent for keeping it busy and helping to prevent boredom, which can lead to unwanted behaviors.
Transylvanian Hounds with other animals and children
With proper training, Transylvanian Hounds can be excellent family pets. We recommend this breed for families where the children are older, old enough to be able to behave nicely and smartly and play with the dogs. Although these dogs would never intentionally hurt children, one wrong move is enough and trouble can happen.
Sometimes they are overly protective of their “own” children and want to prevent strange children from hurting them. Unfortunately, sometimes they can even take a harmless game as a threat, which they may interfere with.
As with all dog breeds, it is extremely important to teach children how to behave around dogs, as there can always be exceptions and an irritated dog can get on their nerves and trouble can quickly ensue. Although dogs are friendly with little ones, dogs and small children should never be together without supervision. Of course, dogs need to be trained to behave correctly, just like children.
When it comes to other pets, Transylvanian Hounds usually get along with them, although they are slow to make friends. The breed usually gets along well with other dogs, as long as they are given enough space to move around. As for cats and smaller animals, Transylvanian Hounds are likely to have their hunting instincts kick in as soon as they see them. This can be very frightening to cats.
Yes, I know...this article is very long. Sorry if it's very boring, but I think this is the minimum you should know about the Transylvanian Hound.