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Unnecessary explanation how I got the idea for this post1:
While I was at the laundromat today, I saw a cockroach lying on its back. I thought it was dead because it wasn’t moving.
Imagine dying because someone flipped you over.
However, the next time I looked at it, it was moving. I know I am probably anthropomorphizing, but the way it moved made it seem as if it were caught between accepting death and manically trying to get back on its feet and survive. I mean, there was nothing else for it to do.
At some point though, it stopped moving its legs and only moved its antlers. I think it was trying to touch the wall at the opposite end, as if it just wanted to feel something—anything—before the inevitable end. It was truly tragic.
Then I forgot about it because I got reminded me of this quote:
They are like cockroaches. They survive everything.
Another player said it during one of my best gaming moments, which was this one:
The gameplay is unfortunately but obviously in German. The automated translation is okay, but since I really want you to experience as closely as possible why this is one of my best gaming moment, here's my manual translation with timestamps:
0:04 | Squad Leader (SL): What can you see over there?
0:07 | Me: I see absolutely nothing in the south.
0:12 | Squad Mate (SM): Northeast all clear.
0:15 | SL: Humvee driver?
0:18 | Humvee: Yo?
0:19 | SL: What's your status?
0:21 | Humvee: Enemies in the radio station.
0:26 | SL: Check (acknowledges they heard the reply)
0:29 | SL: Then shoot at them with your MG.
not sure the driver heard because there was no reply and no sounds of him shooting in the distance
0:38 | SM: Should we continue to the radio station or what's the plan?
0:41 | SL: Standby, we will wait here for now and close this up again. Logistics are on their way. (He means to rebuild our fortifications.)
0:55 | SL: Up to three men can advance though.
0:59 | SM: Movement! There is someone running on a wall, 120° East.
me completely surprised by this sudden callout and trying to spot the enemy
1:05 | SL: Taking back my order, get on your positions, we're about to meet the enemy!
1:09 | Me: Yes, can confirm, multiple enemies spotted, at least two. Permission to fire? small chuckle from me because of how serious we're playing, haha
1:15 | Humvee: Enemy BTR destroyed. (He's somewhere else on the map.)
1:17 | SM: I have them in the crosshairs of my MG, I could shoot them right now!! literally stutters because he's so excited
1:21 | Me (again): Do we have permission to fire now?
SL still distracted, probably by comms with other squad leaders that we can't hear
7 people start shooting simultaneously and light the enemy up like a Christmas tree and a grenade explodes as a short round
1:31 | Me: 100 (calling out the current direction of the enemy which is 100° East)
1:35 | everybody reloads
1:37 | SM: If they survived that ...
1:40 | Other SM: They are like cockroaches, they survive everything.

I have two additional great gaming moments though:
  1. I did the final kill by grappling them mid-air and then punching them:
  1. I killed the entire enemy team by myself while apparently having mouse issues in the beginning:
What are some of your best gaming moments?
I think I'll go to the laundromat tomorrow just to see if the inspiring cockroach is still there.


  1. I guess I just like to share how my brain comes up with random post ideas.
157 sats \ 0 replies \ @nout 24 Mar
I have two
In CS:Source the 3 best players at our LAN party were playing as Ts defending the position in cs_assault and we had like 8 CTs trying to win. It took us 6 hours before we managed to win for the first time. The map is so crazy unbalanced that we had to try so many different tricks, like hiding and sneaking in the shadows, timing our actions very precisely, entering at the same time, smokes, etc. So many strategies failed, until one actually worked. I still remember that feeling.
With my good friend we played (emulated) Doom II in a co-op sitting next to each other on a couch with laptops on our laps while drinking White Russians. Over the course of 2 days we finished the game. So many deaths!!! It was one of those times when if you looked away, the wall was shivering... I actually cooked Macbook Air on this. Some sensors melted around the CPU and it wouldn't be able to manage temp properly anymore.
135 sats \ 2 replies \ @yoshi 24 Mar
I'm not sure why it affected me so deeply, but I’ll never forget riding as John Marston across the San Luis River into Mexico for the first time in Red Dead Redemption—right when Jose González’s “Far Away” started playing. It was such a powerful, hair-raising moment, at the time the graphics seemed photo realistic and I still think about it from time to time. Rest in peace, John.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @yoshi 24 Mar
Also 4 player split screen Goldeneye on N64 and carrying TV's round to friends houses to play Halo via system-link. The good old days ey!
a lot of people got caught up in that moment. that was a brilliant example of the entertainment experiences video games can provide to the senses, the total effect being far more than the sum of its parts. some games by intention or accident become classic experiences, Red Dead Redemption was one such example. What a game, genuinely felt like a Sergio Leone simulator, I loved it. That whole generation was totally epic, only lasted 6-8 years but goddamn the quality that came out of it.
I also feel strangely sad when I see insects die like that... even though sometimes I am the one who killed them :(
I don't know what my best gaming moment is, but I can tell you the most memorable one, and that's when Sephiroth killed Aerith in FF7! It was the first game i played where a character that you could actually control as a valuable party member, and develop a relationship with, even go on a date with, was just brutally murdered and can't come back to life at all! It was shocking and an extremely bold move by Squaresoft.
(BTW, does SN have spoiler tags?)
CoD MW2 nuke hunting. The sweat as you approach the 25th kill… so awesome
When Skyrim came out I was alone and had a free week. I would get up in the morning, smoke a bong and dive into exploring the world until late at night. Probably ate something in between and smoked a second bong. Truly magic gaming memories.
Sonetime in 2000 I got a phone call around 230 or 3am. The person on the other end said "ragefire is up"
I woke up my older brother. "Ragefire is up"
We logged onto EQ and proceeds to help with our first guild kill of ragefire which was the bottleneck for the cleric epic quest. The quest in question gave a cleric a weapon that has a clickable ability to rez someone with no mana.
Raid wipes on that game took probably over an hour to get people rezed and buffed up, you lost xp when you died, so you had to get a rez to mitigate the loss.
There weren't instances, the whole server competed for mob kills, it was an extremely big deal in order for your guild to compete if you wanted to be one of the top guilds on the server.
I got a Mageblood in 4 ancient orbs.
In Path of Exile, that's almost like mining a block solo.
Kids today will never know the joy of the bros getting together with your CRT monitors and 50lb tower systems crushing code red and pizza for 20 hours straight playing CS and Unreal Tournament
oh man, I am not a huge gamer, but during covid l ended up playing the game among us. I ended up playing quite a few games with some of the people that made it famous, like toast and corpsehusband.
...but yeah, personally. In my teens I used to play World of Warcraft (TBC era) like a maniac. I remember playing Arena PvP in 3v3 and 5v5 with a complete misfit of a setup (we were a few peeps playing specs and classes that were very uncommon, even frowned upon): at the time you needed a rating of 1850 to be able to buy/acquire certain gear. We had been grinding for days and hours, hovering close to that limit... one night, probably 1-2 am, we're all getting ready to calling it and we try one last push -- and we won a few games in a row and pushed above.
Most satisfying, amazing feeling of accomplishment maybe ever (#847595)
Chess, I suppose, has replaced that these days (#853488).
time, doctor Freeman?
when you finished it at the game room ....
door stuck