This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I made a bunch of progress last night towards finishing my Nostr client library in Common Lisp. All that's left is to finish the database code. Hopefully, I can get this done by next weekend.
It’s wild how much porn the millennial men were exposed to at a young age. It’s a good chance most men this age group know what a bukkake is.
I was first exposed to the word by Howard Stern on cable tv.
Our dads didn’t have to deal with such hardcore images. A drawback of the internet
On another note I just spent 4 hours verifying all my back up seedwords across all my wallets both software and hardware. Then I’m done adding new wallets to my storage solution.
Adesanya v Pereira - who you got winning tonight?
Izzy all the way!
Watched their first two fights- he should have won the first fight and Pereira got saved in the second fight. That being said, watching their fights the power differential is striking. Izzy also acting weird and very unconfident appearing during press conferences compared to normal. Hope he's not in his head.
I read that the City Kickboxing team that Izzy trains with had a hardcore camp, less distractions and social media so hopefully he’s focused! It will be an entertaining fight no matter what with two dangerous strikers
hope so! Also picking Izzy to win but that is one big scary brazilian.
ouch.. Dominick Reyes needs to retire :(
Давай украсим чемто? дело не в деньгах я это знаю...
Greetings from Vienna
Will glue some "Bitcoin fixes this" stickers over some communism stickers 😎😎😎 As if that would ever change anybodies opinion ever 😂😂
Thank you CZ for exposing ftx, we are all better for it in the long run.
Interesting this short seller has been trying to warn people about SBF for months -
I remember a few months ago wanting to post here "What makes FTX so special?" as outside of his famous initial arb play, I couldn't figure out why he was so much more successful than all of the others in this space and how they could afford to bail out everyone else. I guess I convinced myself it was a stupid question with the aura he had about him.
The memes on CEO Caroline are hilarious. Her interviews are all complete 🚩🚩🚩
If you look at the insane market cap of Binance Shitcoin ... none of these exchanges is better than the other ..
I've never been so relieved to have 0 KYC accounts or custodial services. I've not had a single worry and there's no disruption of any service I might have relied on. Not just true for this week but any going forward. It's not always easy but this is the way.
Gonna enjoy this weekend with a bitcoin based Minecraft game my friend made.
Just came back here to say this to all those shitcoiners that hate me because I am always such a toxic bitcoin maxi.
Now you suck it... good luck shitcoining. You NGMI.
Morning coffee atm. But then I'm heading down the road to pick up some pavers from a friend for our garden. I will also be helping him make his first BTC transaction.
I just noticed I can generate a referral code for the telegram bot I use to monitor my node, here is a free 7 day code for whomever wants it.
"Hey, there is this cool service for monitoring your lightning node. Set up monitoring by saying /start to @lightningwatchbot , then send /referral 1110433454 and we will both get 7 free days 😉"
Just comment if you used it.
I am using it. It works. If you pay you get instant notice when your node goes offline, otherwise its delayed. I also use their watchtower.
listened to 2 podcasts, tweeted a summary of an LN episode..... watching football shortly
coding away on day project while listening to think and grow rich on alexa echo dot.
looking forward to doing lightning tutorials/follow documentation after dinner.
lets all stack the lovely sats :)
Making steady progress in my cabin project 🙂 Have been busy laying the mineral wool and vapor barrier. I also managed to start the paneling for the interior walls.
Today I'll plan to continue with the paneling 😉
Have a good one!
steady work! Looks awesome
It looks great so far!
Looks cozy, I'm building out a camper van right now so this looks like a mansion! What's the square footage you're working with? What are you using for HVAC/Plumbing?
What's the square footage you're working with?
About 10 square meters, which is ~ 107 square feet (including entresol)
What are you using for HVAC/Plumbing?
So far I'm using an electric heater which is doing it's job pretty well. Soon I'll install a single tap with a flow through heater. Also I need to do a bit more research on ventilation.
Looks cozy, I'm building out a camper van right now so this looks like a mansion!
Got any photos of the camper? 🙂
Good luck.
Keep posting.
We had a great BitKiwi meetup event today in Wellington, thanks to everyone who attended. You know who you are!
Will pay sats to see photos! 😄
Спасибо Бро за такой подарок в виде этой площадки)
когда будем укрошать к новогодним праздникам? может елочку поставитьв угол ? или за место молнии? можно мандарины сделать) тоже круто) Все любят новый год)))