Hi Maxis,
I have a question for merchants accepting bitcoin payments. All LN wallets that have both send and receive buttons have 1 drawback that you have to trust the employee not to withdraw funds to his own wallet (even if you make them transfer the sats after every work shift). Do you know of a wallet that can be set up only to receive funds and then once the owner wants he can also send sats? More advanced options are also welcome, but the easiest would be an already existing wallet.
Use LNbits for that. As I explained in this guide. Setup a Lnbits instance, start a lndhub with a bunch of lndhub accounts and import them with the "invoic e only" QR code into Zeus or Bluewallet apps. Then users can have "receive only" wallets. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/lnbits-for-small-merchants
Welcome back Darth.
Still not a shitcoiner.
...exactly because elements like you I don't like anymore to post here.
LNURL address
Came here to say this ^
LNPoS terminal could be an opttion - https://github.com/lnbits/LNPoS
This. LNbits is awesome. But only for lightning (LNPOS, LNURLPOS). Look for lnbits on twitter. All tutorials are there.
Could also try VoltPay https://voltpay.app/ You can create a wallet there where you would need a key to send out of the merchant wallet.
Btcpay server. Or coinos
This!! you can use btcpay server, and create a store account. Then you can generate a pos button url so customers can pay with btc onchain or lightning. For example I created a POS payment button web app, so a merchant can set up an account in a btcpay server (a server of his own or a server from a trusted friend, relative) And install the configured app in his/her pos devices or mobile phones and charge with btcpay with ease (selecting any fiat reference he wants)
If web based solution like BTCPay Server, SatSale is also a lightweight alternative. https://github.com/SatSale/SatSale
The current CoinOS cannot do this, unless one runs their own CoinOS instance on their own domain. (which would, today, take a "bit of set up").
However, CoinOS founder shares his planned solution here:
i'm planning to add an automated withdrawal feature soon so that people can enter a non-custodial lightning or bitcoin address that we move funds to either as soon as they come in or on some sort of batch schedule
So the payments received (e.g., using the CoinOS PoS interface) could be protected because of the PIN being required in order to spend, and then those funds would be swept (either immediately or eventually, depending on how that sweep feature is designed) to a non-custodial destination.
Ibexpay has an option for this, I think.
Hmmmm A one way wallet.Nah