Not only a single time I have set the "right" fee using mempool tools - and I had an "luck" to stuck in the suddenly very long time block, with rising fees and then I needed to wait many hours. Or just use RBF, fortunately.
Long time ago there was a lot such too low fee transactions in mempool, waiting whole months. What doesn't look healthy.
Mempool management is not something to be decided on the protocol level. The less shit we enforce on the protocol level, the more flexibility wallet developers have in using bitcoin.
You're simply implying wallets have to improve, that's it.
mempoolfullrbf is purely taking away a way to use bitcoin, and telling businesses how they should use Bitcoin. Wasn't Bitcoin supposed to be freedom money? Wtf.
In fact, there's been long periods where fees were high enough that some mining pools weren't mining low fee txs at all, making it downright trivial to double spend. Eg this write-up was done entirely with full-rbf during one of those periods:
Worse, if somone wants to exploit zeroconf one way to do it is to attack the p2p network and miners, eg with sybil attacks. We really don't want to give people incentives to do this.
So I guess we are fine then, you don't force others to use RBF and nobody force you to not use it :) choice is always good :)
it's the matter of what is default - choice to switch-off RBF is good, as well
especially for newbies, they may even don't know wtf is RBF - till their first transaction frozen in mempool "forever" (that was common case in 2017)
In case of default RBF - there wouldn't be such not easy to solve surprise
you cannot switch-off RBF if is enforced on the node that will broadcast your transaction. you are taking away my choice of not using it.