This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Stacker improvement Proposal
  • Adding a search box just below the header part similar to the google search box. instead of the lens floating button right bottom side.
The header and the search bar can be fixed.
Recently I bought Retroid Pocket 3, loaded it with SNES, GBA, PSP and MS-DOS games and have been enjoying it a lot! When retrogaming sub on SN? :)
Card payments with lightning are really cool.
The server itself can be setup on your own machine as it's open source
I think this should be known by more people... it's really a game changer.
If you need just a quick tap-to-gift card, then you can repurpose older hotel key cards.
Sucks was going to open fat ass ln channel and pay for my new start 9 node now I face high fees ughhhhhhh
Regarding my Nostr client library: it turns out I totally forgot about cryptography. So now I've got addition work to do.
Just sold the tiny little bit of CRO I had sitting around for some reason on Coinbase. Let the liquidity run begin.
The Lightsats team just posted their Week 5 udpate! 🎉🎉
Lots of amazing new things, mainly new UI Design and public profiles - check out my profile
Also, we're giving away 2000 sats to anyone that posts a screenshot of a Lightsats invoice in the comments, we've funded 4 invoices already.
that fat mempool tho
Yeah highest levels since congestion in May.
This is getting weird.
Dead man's switch?
Amphetamine Binge more like
Actually, this is probably the reason. Apparently, he's tricked the deleted tweet-tracking bots 7 times already.
It’s just the regular stacking sats monday. Feels good to get about 600k sats for $100. Question about selling some useless stuff that collects dust and convert it into a beautiful pile of sats.
I thought for sure all my buy orders would have been filled last night. I guess surviving for another day gives me more time to scrounge up more fiat.