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Trying to enable hybrid mode on my LN node (aka. Tor and clearnet using a proxy).
I use Caddy2 as a reverse proxy for most of my webservices. Anyone know if Caddy can proxy port 9735 used for LN peering? I tried doing:
:9735 {
But I get errors when connecting to this proxied connection. It appears that the handshake fails or times out. Perhaps due to LN not accepting HTTP.
My fallback is to use raw wiregaurd tunnels, but I really want to use Caddy if possible.
I think your problem is that 9735 is the p2p protocol port. It’s not a webservice like the grpc rest endpoint (don’t remember that port). I’ve only placed my proxy openresty in front of the grpc rest service.
Yeah, it seems caddy is http only. Trying a ufw rule and IP table entry next to forward all traffic on the port. Will definitely write a guide after figuring it out.