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Been working on over-the-air updates for CyberHornet Swarm nodes today.
So far I've completed the runtime, state management, versioning, update manifest, and update procedure.
The only thing left is the management service which can listen for new updates and present them to the user for installation when they see fit.
what are cyberhornet swarm nodes?
CyberHornet is the company I am building (https://cyberhornet.network). Swarm is our first product, a full UX refresh on running a Bitcoin, Lightning, and Liquid node bundled with a whole bunch of other features to make running Bitcoin easy for non-technical people.
Working on the first 0.0.1 release at the moment.
Is CyberHornet open source ?
It's not open source yet, but the development roadmap is set up to lead it there.
We'll start cloud-hosted, closed source until reasonably stable, but the software will remain free in the business model and ultimately be opened up for contributions and running on your Pi at home, etc.
seems really cool ! are you looking for more devs ?
The current plan is to start team expansion in Q1 2023, so certainly will be looking out for interesting devs.
Feel free to shoot me an email on gary [at] the domain name listed above.
very cool!
This is very cool. As you guys progress towards launch, Would love to have you on my podcast. https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
Something easy like this is needed now more then ever.
That sounds fun!
Feel free to shoot me any details by email at gary [at] the domain name above